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.Premature ejaculation (PE) is defined as “uncontrolled ejaculation either before or shortly after sexual penetration.” It usually doesn’t take a great amount of stimulation before it occurs, and it is not the result of the man’s desire. PE can have negative psychological effects and result in unsatisfactory sex for both partners. Understanding what it is and how to work around it are the best ways of dealing with it.
.It is a general misconception that a man would normally last 30 minutes or more after penetration before ejaculating. According to the study, “Canadian and American Sex Therapists’ Perception of Normal and Abnormal Ejaculatory Latencies: How Long Should Intercourse Last?,” very few men have intercourse (penetration) that lasts longer than 12 minutes. The actual average is somewhere between five to seven minutes.
.Even while PE can be frustrating for both partners, ejaculating too quickly every now and then is generally not a sign of concern. It happens to most guys. However, when ejaculation occurs every time there is sexual activity (or even without it), it is a sign of a deeper issue.
.The average of five to seven minutes can seem like an eternity for men suffering from premature ejaculation. The majority of men dealing with PE typically last somewhere between 15 and 60 seconds. Many don’t even make it to penetration.
.Psychologists and doctors have spent decades researching the causes of premature ejaculation. These can include: anxiety, guilt, excessive masturbation, greater penile sensitivity, bad breathing habits and lack of sexual experience
.A more scientific approach points to the role of the neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) serotonin and dopamine. The proper balance between both neurotransmitters is necessary for optimal sexual functioning. Men who experience premature ejaculation have lower levels of serotonin, which is responsible for delaying ejaculation and orgasms.
Another common myth about premature ejaculation is that it happens to either old men or guys who are not masculine enough. Both are completely untrue. 
PE can affect men of all ages, sexual orientations and physical conditions, and it is completely unrelated to the level of desire they feel for their partners. Many researches even suggest that premature ejaculation may be a genetic disorder.
. Masturbating an hour or two before sexual intercourse might help delay ejaculation during sex. Taking the focus off penetration and focusing on other sexual activities such as oral sex might also relieve some of the tension associated with PE.
.Consulting with a professional sex therapist can also reduce performance anxiety and would have a deeper effect if combined with proper medication.
Being a sexual being is an awesome thing - but like anything in life, there are risks. 'Sexual health' means having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences. It's up to you to have sex in a way that reduces the chances of getting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or having anunplanned pregnancy. Remember you are in charge of your body, your health and your decisions about sex.
But let's backtrack - sex doesn't happen in all of our relationships. A lot of relationships don't include any sex - like those with our family, friends and teachers. These relationships involve feelings but not any romance. Sexual relationships are a special thing. Some good qualities in sexual relationships are trust and intimacy. But different people want different things out of a relationship. Some people want trust and intimacy and other people just want the opportunity to have sex. Others want both or neither. Relationships take time to work out and you learn more and more as time goes by.
There are heaps of different types of sex. Generally, activities like kissing, touching, rubbing and stroking are not really defined as sex. Other activities, like oral sex, are actually sex. In fact, out of all the myths and misconceptions out there: one of the most common ones is that oral sex isn't really sex.

.When people use their lips for pleasure - either touching each other's lips, or other parts of the body with their lips.When two people put their mouths together and use their lips and tongues for pleasure.
When you touch or stroke a part of your own body to become aroused. Different people find different things erotic. Body parts could include the clitoris, breasts, nipples, vagina, penis or anus. Exploring your own body through masturbation can be a good way to find out about your sexual feelings and your body. Masturbation is not bad for you. It's your choice whether or not you do it or not.
.The word used for any kind of kissing, massage and touching that leads to intercourse. It helps people get more aroused and can make sex more enjoyable. Foreplay doesn't always have to lead to intercourse and can be a good way to get closer to your partner when you're not ready to go all the way.
When something - like a penis or a sex toy, goes inside someone else's vagina or anus. Vaginal, anal and oral sex are all types of penetrative sex.
When there is stimulation or penetration by a finger, sex toy or penis of another person's anus. The anus is the opening at the end of the digestive system where solid waste comes out of the body.

It can be hard to know if and when you are ready for sex. You may be feeling a lot of emotions at once - nervous, happy, scared, excited. Or maybe you're not sure how you are feeling at all.
You can think of being sexual with another person as an expression of closeness and intimacy. But different people want different things out of a relationship. Some people want trust and intimacy and other people just want the opportunity to have sex. Others want both or neither.
Your decision to have sex is influenced by a lot of things, like parents, friends, TV, films, what we learn at school and your society and religion. Alice, 15 says "It's a lot of pressure, peer pressure, people talk about it at school and stuff and you just don't feel like you fit in unless you've done it."
Remember that it's more important to do what is right for you, not what the people around you may be doing. And it's definitely ok to take your time about your decision or to say no.
.It's also important for you and your partner to be on the same wavelength - make sure you are both ok with sex before going ahead. And if you don't have a partner, and are thinking about casual sex, there is just as much reason to think seriously about what it is you are going to do. Remember that condoms are the only form of contraception that will protect you against sexually transmitted infections (STIs) andunplanned pregnancy.
The first thing to remember is that there are many different kinds of sex. For example, oral sex is sex, and not just a way of compromising with a partner to avoid penetrative vaginal sex or anal sex. Lauren, 15 says "you didn't want to go all the way, but you didn't want to seem frigid either."
Other things, like kissing and cuddling don't really come under the definition of sex. We can think of them as pleasurable sexual activities that don't have to lead to penetrative sex.
Before having sex with someone, here are some questions to ask yourself:
  • Can we trust each other?
  • Do we respect each other?
  • Do they like me for who I am?
  • Do I feel comfortable in what I'm about to do?
  • Will we respect each other's privacy by not telling our mates?
  • Have we planned how to keep safe by using condoms and contraception?
If you answered NO to a lot of these questions, then you are probably not ready to have sex. Give yourself more time and think about these questions again. You can also have this conversation with someone you trust, like a parent or good friend. Megan, 18 says "I waited with my boyfriend for ages just until I felt ready, until I trusted him and that took a long time."

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