In this web [] you found sexy videos , wallpapers ,photos. You found these in different posts . So visit all posts and comment us about your segetions. By web owner [Ajmal Khan] Thanks.
IN above wallpaper there is a scene of romance. A boy and girl which are lovers are kissing to each other. They are involved in great love. There love is so much true.A person wants such a great love. Every girl and boy are in search of such a true love. If you like this wallpaper so comment about this. you can save this wallpaper. Life is so beautifull .
Above wallpaper is a cake. Which is used for birthday. Overall there are many kinds of cakes in market . But most popular is birthday cake. It is symbol of love and happiness. In this wallpaper strubery fruits and flowers are on this birthday cake. people decorate cake to increase its charm and beauty. In birthday party should make full arrangements so that peoples enjoy it . Never miss fun in your life.
This wallpaper is of a beautifull model girl .Its dressing very short like a suimming girl.Girl has very attrective beauty. Her style is very good . Girl has very atterection with her sunglass. Her hair colour is very beautifull. The girl is full sexy and glamours with amazing beauty. You absolutlly like this wallpaper. Every person wants to wish such a girl for friendship. Find always good friends .
The above photo is about poetry. This consist of urdu language. This language is mostly used in pakistan. The poetry of urdu language is very popular in the world. Urdu poetry has very beautifull word collection for poetry .Urdu words explain love feelings greatly. such feelings cannot explain by other language of world. It can understand only that person which know urdu . Learn urdu language to understand urdu poetry.
A amazing baby is in above wallpaper. Girl look is very good . Girl is in geans . Its style of setting is great .Every girl wants to make poses and style to increase its charm. By this way their popularity increase. Girls wish that boys like her and become her fan in first look. These things atterect boys. What you think about it ? tell us by your comments. Out look should be great.
Girl is with sexy look and have a pestol in its hand . Boys inpress with such a killing look. Girl is very hot .Modern girls tried to become hot. I also like hot girls.Hotness is that magic which can attrect any one in which i also include.Sexy look of this is very good. Which make the mode very happy.I hope that you also like this interesting wallpaper. Make your self glamerous and sexy.
Three heart [ Dil] are mention in above wallpaper . These are made by thread . It is symbol of love . Love is very necessery for every one .With out love life is very boaring. Therefore love is very necessery. A man founds happiness when he or she get involved in love. When a person lost his love his life become meaning less. Only love makes a person hopefull and meaning full. Find Love anywhere in world.
In above wallpaper girl is laying.Girl is in pose for photography.She is showing his naked body . People like photography. Mostly girls like photography. Therefore girls likes to take selfies. Photography is an art .You like selfies or not tell us about your segetion. Like Selfiese , Make Selfi
Triple X syndrome is associated with an increased risk of learning disabilities and delayed development of speech and language skills. Delayed development of motor skills (such as sitting and walking), weak muscle tone (hypotonia), and behavioral and emotional difficulties are also possible, but these characteristics vary widely among affected girls and women. Seizures or kidney abnormalities occur in about 10 percent of affected females.
Sexuality can be confusing. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure. Being young is a time of figuring out what works for you and strong feelings and exploration are often part of that. In time, you’ll find that you’re drawn mostly to men or to women or to both or to neither, and you’ll know then.
Above wallpaper is a cake. Which is used for birthday. Overall there are many kinds of cakes in market . But most popular is birthday cake. It is symbol of love and happiness. In this wallpaper strubery fruits and flowers are on this birthday cake. people decorate cake to increase its charm and beauty. In birthday party should make full arrangements so that peoples enjoy it . Never miss fun in your life.
This wallpaper is of a beautifull model girl .Its dressing very short like a suimming girl.Girl has very attrective beauty. Her style is very good . Girl has very atterection with her sunglass. Her hair colour is very beautifull. The girl is full sexy and glamours with amazing beauty. You absolutlly like this wallpaper. Every person wants to wish such a girl for friendship. Find always good friends .
The above photo is about poetry. This consist of urdu language. This language is mostly used in pakistan. The poetry of urdu language is very popular in the world. Urdu poetry has very beautifull word collection for poetry .Urdu words explain love feelings greatly. such feelings cannot explain by other language of world. It can understand only that person which know urdu . Learn urdu language to understand urdu poetry.
A amazing baby is in above wallpaper. Girl look is very good . Girl is in geans . Its style of setting is great .Every girl wants to make poses and style to increase its charm. By this way their popularity increase. Girls wish that boys like her and become her fan in first look. These things atterect boys. What you think about it ? tell us by your comments. Out look should be great.
Girl is with sexy look and have a pestol in its hand . Boys inpress with such a killing look. Girl is very hot .Modern girls tried to become hot. I also like hot girls.Hotness is that magic which can attrect any one in which i also include.Sexy look of this is very good. Which make the mode very happy.I hope that you also like this interesting wallpaper. Make your self glamerous and sexy.
Three heart [ Dil] are mention in above wallpaper . These are made by thread . It is symbol of love . Love is very necessery for every one .With out love life is very boaring. Therefore love is very necessery. A man founds happiness when he or she get involved in love. When a person lost his love his life become meaning less. Only love makes a person hopefull and meaning full. Find Love anywhere in world.
In above wallpaper girl is laying.Girl is in pose for photography.She is showing his naked body . People like photography. Mostly girls like photography. Therefore girls likes to take selfies. Photography is an art .You like selfies or not tell us about your segetion. Like Selfiese , Make Selfi
What is triple X syndrome?
Triple X syndrome, also called trisomy X or 47,XXX, is characterized by the presence of an additional X chromosome in each of a female's cells. Although females with this condition may be taller than average, this chromosomal change typically causes no unusual physical features. Most females with triple X syndrome have normal sexual development and are able to conceive children.Triple X syndrome is associated with an increased risk of learning disabilities and delayed development of speech and language skills. Delayed development of motor skills (such as sitting and walking), weak muscle tone (hypotonia), and behavioral and emotional difficulties are also possible, but these characteristics vary widely among affected girls and women. Seizures or kidney abnormalities occur in about 10 percent of affected females.
How common is triple X syndrome?
This condition occurs in about 1 in 1,000 newborn girls. Five to 10 girls with triple X syndrome are born in the United States each day.
What are the genetic changes related to triple X syndrome?
People normally have 46 chromosomes in each cell. Two of the 46 chromosomes, known as X and Y, are called sex chromosomes because they help determine whether a person will develop male or female sex characteristics. Females typically have two X chromosomes (46,XX), and males have one X chromosome and one Y chromosome (46,XY).
Triple X syndrome results from an extra copy of the X chromosome in each of a female's cells. As a result of the extra X chromosome, each cell has a total of 47 chromosomes (47,XXX) instead of the usual 46. An extra copy of the X chromosome is associated with tall stature, learning problems, and other features in some girls and women.
Some females with triple X syndrome have an extra X chromosome in only some of their cells. This phenomenon is called 46,XX/47,XXX mosaicism.
Can triple X syndrome be inherited?
Most cases of triple X syndrome are not inherited. The chromosomal change usually occurs as a random event during the formation of reproductive cells (eggs and sperm). An error in cell division called nondisjunction can result in reproductive cells with an abnormal number of chromosomes. For example, an egg or sperm cell may gain an extra copy of the X chromosome as a result of nondisjunction.
If one of these atypical reproductive cells contributes to the genetic makeup of a child, the child will have an extra X chromosome in each of the body's cells.
46,XX/47,XXX mosaicism is also not inherited. It occurs as a random event during cell division in early embryonic development. As a result, some of an affected person's cells have two X chromosomes (46,XX), and other cells have three X chromosomes (47,XXX).
Understanding sexuality
Everyone’s sexuality is different, and it’s not necessarily as simple as ‘gay’ or ‘straight’. Some people are attracted to only one sex, and others are attracted to a diversity of people regardless of sex or gender, with a lot of different preferences in between.
Some gay, lesbian or bisexual people say from an early age that they “felt different”, and had crushes on friends of people of the same sex, only associating these feelings with being gay or bisexual later on. Many people don’t discover their sexual attractions until much later into adulthood and it can be just as confusing then. Sexuality can be confusing. Don’t worry if you aren’t sure. Being young is a time of figuring out what works for you and strong feelings and exploration are often part of that. In time, you’ll find that you’re drawn mostly to men or to women or to both or to neither, and you’ll know then.
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